23andMe blog
rs314276 or the equivalent rs314263(T) yields
- Female
- menarche about six weeks earlier
- 1.2x accelerated breast development and a faster rate of increase in height and weight.
- a reduction in adult height of about 0.15 inches.
- Male
- 1.26 greater odds of advanced voice breaking at age 15
- 1.19 times greater odds of advanced pubic hair at age 13
- faster rate of growth at age 10 and about a tenth of an inch less in adult height.
[PMID 20962026
] Associations between the Pubertal Timing-Related Variant in LIN28B and BMI Vary Across the Life Course
[PMID 22822098] Functional Study of Risk Loci of Stem Cell-associated Gene Lin-28B and Associations with Disease Survival Outcomes in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
GWAS snp
[PMID 24770850 ]
Puberty onset
Genome-wide association study of sexual maturation in males and females highlights a role for body mass and menarche loci in male puberty.
Risk Allele
Odds Ratio
.08 [0.053-0.107] unit increase