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MoviPrep is a prescription medicine used by adults 18 years and older to clean the colon before a colonoscopy. MoviPrep cleans your colon by causing you to have diarrhea.[1]

On the MoviPrep label, the US FDA lists G6PD deficiency as a condition with a warning as follows [2]:

Since MoviPrep contains sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid, MoviPrep should be used with caution in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency, especially G-6-PD deficiency patients with an active infection, with a history of hemolysis, or taking concomitant medications known to precipitate hemolytic reactions.

PGx Table for MoviPrep
Genotype/Genoset Diplotype Gene Drug Use/Category/Class Medical Field Summary Descriptive Sentence
gs309 WT/WT G6PD Colonoscopy Gastroenterology Normal Response Expected You do not appear to carry any G6PD mutations linked to an unwanted side effect (hemolytic anemia).
gs307 Carrier G6PD Colonoscopy Gastroenterology Use with Caution You carry a G6PD mutation that might lead to an unwanted side effect (hemolytic anemia) when taking MoviPrep; due to variable expression (i.e. in females), enzymatic testing for G6PD activity is advisable; use with caution.
gs308 G6PD-deficient G6PD Colonoscopy Gastroenterology Use with Caution You carry a G6PD mutation linked to an unwanted side effect (hemolytic anemia) when taking MoviPrep; use with caution.