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The phenotype (ie Curly vs. straight) is switched for associated genotypes. As strand is positive, T is associated with straight hair while A is associated with curly hair

If the hapmap graph is correct, the 95%+ of (A;A) in the Japanese and Chinese populations suggests that A should be straight, and T should be curly. --- cariaso 22:15, 12 November 2014 (UTC)

According to Medland et al. (which is one of the references noted, Figure 1E shows that "Frequency of straight (orange bars), wavy (green bars), and curly (blue bars) hair as a function of the rs11803731 genotype in a sample of unrelated individuals (n[AA] = 43; n[AT] = 493; n[TT] = 1132). With more T alleles, the proportion of straight hair increases. Vertical bars correspond to the 95% confidence intervals on the prevalence."

It is possible, this association is only restricted to non-Asian populations. I did not look that carefully through the supplementary figures and tables.

  • n[AA] = 43;
  • n[AT] = 493;
  • n[TT] = 1132)

With more T alleles, the proportion of straight hair increases. So the more common genotype is TT. I'm sure what we're seeing is an orientation of an ambiguous flip. I'm more inclined to note that the paper is using the opposite orientation, than to flip everything on the SNPedia page. But if someone can show me that the paper's orientation is more correct, and not just different, I could be swayed. --- cariaso 00:58, 13 November 2014 (UTC)