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Promethease/Learn More

From SNPedia

This page introduces relevant info like


  • Repute Good? Bad?
  • Magnitude How good? How Bad?
  • Orientation The reason SNPedia sometimes appears to disagree with 23andMe about your genotype
  • References Number of scientific publications
  • Frequency How rare or common is a genotype in your population
  • SNPs for the Other Sex Why are prostate SNPs in women's Promethease reports? And BRCA in men's?
  • GMAF global rarity
  • Glossary covers many other terms you may see when reading in SNPedia


Promethease reports are provided in .html. If you want a PDF version see the notes below on printing, and then have your browser print to PDF.


People often ask about how to print their Promethease report. A print out of the full report is literally thousands of pages, most of which won't be interesting, so we don't recommend doing that.

By default you will only get the top 10 genos. Every time you hit '2x more' at the bottom of the page, you're doubling how many are shown in the window you can scroll down through. In the box at the right side with all of the sliders you can see how many in total are being shown. You can also type in any number you want and show that many. So typing 50000 will show everything for most current reports. But what you'll see is that

  1. it's slow (which is why we don't show all by default)
  2. most of the lower ones just say 'Mag=0 Repute=Good Summary=Normal'

If you were to pick a narrow collection like 'just breast cancer ones', it would be useful to see all of the normals. Otherwise you'd think you only had bad news. But when viewing everything it's just needless overkill.

Otherwise you might want to pick just the first 100, or only the 'Bad' ones, or ... But printing ALL probably isn't a good idea.

So once you've decided what subset of the report you want to print use the search, sort, filter and select functions so that only those are shown.

You now have at least three options.

1. In most web browsers use File->Print. Or, press Ctrl-P.

2. For a summary in table format, which can also be column-sorted as well as exported, click on "Table". If you haven't narrowed down the number of genotypes to a reasonable number, this table will take a while to load.

3. Take a screenshot, either using the 'prt scr' key (if you have one) or any screenshot software.


See Promethease/Multiple Files

A comparison of 2 people's genotypes at a particular SNP

When you can upload multiple people you are not making multiple reports. You are making a single report about a single person. However Promethease will show the genotypes of other people so that you can compare them. Click on the the image to the right to see a detailed view.

"Individual #1" is the first genome loaded, and the Promethease report is about this person. "Individual #2" is the second genome loaded, which can be compared to the first. Additional genomes will be displayed below "Individual #2".

A sample report for Lilly Mendel with her husband Greg used for comparison is visible at https://files.snpedia.com/reports/promethease_data/promethease_Lilly_compare_to_Greg_ui2.html

Note that in rs6983267 you can see that they are both (G;G), while in rs3738579 she's a (T;T) while he's a (C;C)

Large Files[edit]

For files over 4G in size, see Promethease/Large Files


You might also find Talk:Promethease helpful as well as Promethease/results.

Please edit this page and leave your own questions.

These videos are getting quite old, but still offers some helpful information about reading a Promethease report.